“Love Your Pet Day”

Did you know February 20th is National Love Your Pet Day? This is a day to do something extra special to show your dog (or any other animal) how much you appreciate having him in your life. Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate today with your dog: Bake your dog some homemade…

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Winter Feet Health

Have you noticed that your feet and hands are more likely to feel dry and crack in the winter cold? Have you checked your dog’s paws to be sure he isn’t suffering from the same problems? Remember, your dog is walking around outside without the protection of shoes or gloves. Regular nail trims are your…

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Your Dog Wants You to Take a Vacation

Having a dog is a lot of responsibility. It can take away some of the flexibility you had in your pre-dog life. Last minute trips, staying out late after work, or sleeping in on the weekends all become less likely. If you have a safe, fun place for your dog to stay and play while…

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Eating right

In addition to losing weight, eating healthier foods is often a resolution for people. Is it also a resolution for your dog this year? A good diet can lead to better health and better behavior. Yes, behavior can be altered by food. Picture a young child all sugared up from a party. There is certainly…

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Do you still need help with that resolution for training?

Will 2014 be the year you finally have a well mannered dog? Does your dog still jump on you or your friends to say hello? Does your dog go crazy when you see other dogs while out walking? Are you looking for a fun new activity for your dog? If you answered yes to any…

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How are those 2014 resolutions going?

Many of us make a plan at the beginning of each year in the form of New Year’s Resolutions. Often they are focused on transformations – losing weight, learning something new, becoming more active, etc. Have you made a resolution on behalf of your dog? Let’s see if we can guess… Losing weight. Many dogs…

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Moving from new puppy bliss to reality

For those of you that adopted a new puppy over the holidays, there were moments of magic. Surprising the kids with a puppy on Christmas morning is a memory the entire family will cherish for years. The first night of getting up at 2am for a potty break isn’t even annoying. Now that you’ve had…

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Prepping for Puppy Part 2

It is getting closer to winter break, and closer to your new puppy’s arrival. In our last post, we focused on the supplies needed for your puppy. In this post, we will focus on naming your puppy and the first steps of training.  After selecting your puppy, the next biggest choice for you is the…

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Prepping for Puppy

Will a new puppy be joining your family this holiday season? This is the first in a series of three posts about adopting a Christmas puppy. Although the holidays can be a chaotic time for some, it may be a great time to add a to your family. We often have more time at home to…

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5th Stop On Our Renovation Tour

I am combining our last two additions in this final stop on our tour. If you ever stopped by the lodge after dark, you will appreciate part one of this stop. We have had brand new lighting added on all sides of our building. This low energy, LED lighting is still bright enough to illuminate our…

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