The Dog Park: This Is What You Need to Know
The Dog Park: This Is What You Need to Know The sun is out, the birds are chirping, and we’re hoping Spring is here to stay. After March coming in like a lion and going out…like a lion, and steady April showers, we’re excited to get out into the sunshine. If you haven’t checked the…
Read MoreThe Trials and Tribulations of Nail Trimming Demystified
The Trials and Tribulations of Nail Trims Demystified If your floors are starting to get an unintended rustic look or you can pinpoint the location of your pooch by following the ‘click, click, click’ noise, there’s something you probably have been avoiding. If you don’t keep up with trimming your dog’s nails as much as…
Read MoreLOVE > FEAR: Who’s with us?
LOVE > FEAR: Who’s with us? At the Lodge, our staff is like a family, and we are always excited to welcome a new member. You may have noticed that our close-knit team consists of a core group of employees who have been on staff for years with new members being added as we continue to…
Read MoreWhy Beagles?
Why Beagles? Have you heard? Cold Nose Lodge is hosting our annual Beaglefest (2019) on Saturday, March 16th from 12:30 – 3PM! An event totally dedicated to beagles and beagle mixes? That’s right! Click here for more info. As you mosey around our boutique you’re sure to spot beagle decor here and there, and many…
Read MorePeriodontal Disease: The Unseen Dangers
Periodontal Disease: The Unseen Dangers February is Pet Dental Health Month, so what better time to talk about sweetening those puppy kisses? I want to talk about why keeping up with your dog’s oral hygiene is an especially loving thing to do. It is much more important than just freshening breath. The dangers of not…
Read MoreHow to Make 2018 the Best Year Ever
How to Make 2018 the Best Year Ever Somehow, in the blink of an eye, January is over. I’m not sure about you, but I’m considering January my free trial of 2018 and am ready to give those resolutions another go tomorrow! Who’s with me? Haha. Here are some “good” ideas to make 2018 the…
Read MoreLife with Dogs: How to Keep Everyone Happy
Life with Dogs: Keeping Everyone Happy In the elusive battle to find balance in our lives, dogs play a unique role. They enrich our days with unconditional love, and their presence in our lives provides a stage for many of life’s lessons. Every dog comes with their own unique set of both wonderful traits as well…
Read MoreThe Secret to a Well Behaved Dog During the Holidays
The Secret to a Well Behaved Dog During the Holidays You spent your time prepping and planning for those you care about during a time of year when in reality, you don’t have a minute to spare. Everything is finally just so and you’re awaiting your guests. Or maybe like me, you like to live…
Read MoreA Day in the Life of a Cold Nose Lodge Foster Dog
A Day in the Life of a Cold Nose Lodge Foster Dog With Thanksgiving tomorrow, we wanted to take a moment to talk about one of the things we’re thankful for at Cold Nose Lodge. Every foster dog waiting for a home has a story. We’re thankful that we can be small, and happy, chapter. We…
Read MoreThe Best Trails for Lehigh Valley Dog Owners to Explore
The Best Trails for Lehigh Valley Dog Owners to Explore The chilly nights and frosty mornings this week finally feel like fall! Despite the arrival of corn mazes, football, and everything pumpkin (including pumpkin dog cookies at the CNL boutique), the warm temperatures staved off those beautiful fall colors. Those flashy leaves are finally making…
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